Saturday, 27 January 2018

Laundry washing pod challenge concerns

The challenge to teenagers to video themselves eating a laundry detergent pod has receive strong criticism and concerns from many medical experts and safety consultants.

Proctor and Gamble, producer of Tide Pods in the United States of America has published a blog post on this very serious matter which he has published on the official Proctor and Gamble blog site. You can read it here:-, it is headlined: 'Safety is No Laughing Matter.'

Here is a warning from Rob Gronkowski:-

And here is media coverage of the mater:-

The last video explains what happened to a Utah University student who ingested a detergent pod.

If you know anyone who has consumed a detergent pod get them immediate medical attention by calling the emergency number that is appropriate for where you live.

Please share this video with people who you think need to know about this risky behaviour.

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Sunday, 21 January 2018

That's Books and Entertainment: Knowledge: The Root of All Happiness

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